Can you put a price on self-esteem?

I’m getting tired of this SAHM wardrobe that I have. I mean, I’m still rocking my pregnancy leggings and torn up shirts. This fall I was wearing different dresses everyday, and that was awesome. I felt great, and I felt purposeful. But it’s too cold for dresses, and to be honest it just doesn’t *feel* right wearing a dress in December. I’m finding I don’t actually have any great clothes to wear that make me feel like I’m worth anything.

And I notice that my self esteem and my self worth take a steep nose dive when I’m not really getting dressed each day.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m comfy. I’m very comfortable in my clothes each day. But I can also wear these clothes to bed like pajamas. Matter of fact, I think I was wearing these clothes to bed like pajamas before they turned into my everyday clothes.

So of course the solution is to get some new clothes, right?

But I’m a SAHM with an infant and a toddler – I don’t leave the house. I don’t have a reason to get dressed up, let alone put shoes on. Is it really financially responsible for me to spend hard-earned money on clothes for myself that I don’t technically need?

I have a shopping cart full of $9 t-shirts and $10 leggings. I keep thinking I’ll build a capsule wardrobe and then I can just rotate things as I go. But are t-shirts and leggings really doing anything different for me than what I’m currently wearing?

And that takes me right back to my financially responsible dilemma. Is it really worth the money when I have clothes that currently fit me? Even if they aren’t the prettiest? Even if they don’t make me feel good. How much is feeling good actually worth? Can you put a price on self-esteem?

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